Celeritous is releasing many designs for our basic building blocks as open source hardware designs. These are being released under the CERN OSHW License V1.2 and have no restrictions other than maintaining origin and copyright notices. Our hope is if you need boards, kits or assembled products you will come here first and appreciate the full documentation available in open source design tools.

Our primary tools as of the date of this page creation (September 20, 2018) include:

  • KiCAD – Schematic Capture / PCB Design
  • Atollic (STM) True Studio – STM32 Firmware Development
  • DesignSpark Mechanical 2.0 – 2D/3D Mechanical Design
  • ST Micro STM32Cube – STM32 Configuration / Initialization Tool
  • Xilinx Vivado / ISE – FPGA / CPLD design

We keep a repository of these designs on Github at http://www.github.com/celeritous

We try to provide current Bills of Materials (BOM), relevant data sheets and  example projects and STM32Cube templates for the processor based boards to help get you started.

Current OSHW hardware fall into several broad categories including: